What We Do

inspiring everyone to practice + play

Who is Andes Gifts

by Nicholas Terlecky May 10, 2018 0 min read

Andes Gifts items are hand-crafted year round by hundereds of indigenous women residing in the highlands of both Peru and Bolivia. Through their efforts, Andes Gifts enables a growing number of third world artisans to knit, stitch, and weave their way to a better quality of life for themselves and their families.
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Learn about fair trade

by Nicholas Terlecky May 10, 2018 0 min read

The Fair Trade Federation is the trade association that strengthens and promotes North American organizations fully committed to fair trade. The Federation is part of the global fair trade movement, building equitable and sustainable trading partnerships and creating opportunities to alleviate poverty.
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Meet our knitters

by Nicholas Terlecky May 10, 2018 0 min read

Ever wonder what impact your purchase makes? Keep reading to learn more about the people that make our products and how your purchase is helping to grow a community.
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